Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Break

Every spring I have a laundry list of things to do, and this year is no exception.  The only real difference is 1. my list is longer than it ever has been and 2. it really feels nothing like spring.  The latter obstacle really interferes with my number one priority:
1.  Work outside!
There is really so much to do outside, I don't even know where to begin.  Most things are out of my control (replace pool liner, fix boards on deck, finish the siding on the shed, put up the privacy fence), but some I can do with a little help from my husband.
2.  Organize recipes
I love to cook, and because I'm constantly collecting recipes, I need a way to manage them.  I'm sure there are some really cool apps that keep track of and organize them digitally, but I still like holding a recipe in my hand when I cook.
3.  Print pictures
I am so behind printing pictures from my camera.  About two months ago, my I Phone crashed and I lost over 500 pictures.  Lesson one, use I Cloud.  Lesson two, there's still nothing like a good ole camera.  I try to maintain photo albums for both of my children, so when we go on vacation, Briley gets a set of pictures printed for her photo album and Brady gets a set for his.
4.  Cook an unbelievable meal for my mother-in-law.
Every year for as long as I can remember, I've cooked my mother-in-law a birthday dinner.  It helps that her birthday always falls during or around my Spring Break, so I have the entire day to cook.  This year, I'm planning to cook some recipes I saw on Trisha Yearwood's cooking show.  They look so yummy!  She's on a gluten free diet, so everything except the shortbread should be fine.
Honey Glazed Ham
Strawberry Salad
Asparagus Bundles
Skillet Almond Shortbread
There are really a million other things that could be on my list, but let's be honest, Spring Break is also about relaxing and enjoying some time off with my children.  Enjoy!

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