The snow is finally gone, and I can't help but enjoy a pretty day by taking a walk around the yard. We still have a long way to go in the yard and with the landscaping, but we will get there!

And on this particular day, I was blessed with my son picking a beautiful bouquet of buttercups- my favorite.

My field of buttercups.
This is my daughter's playroom. She has never (and I really do mean never) been one to play with dolls or Barbies. It certainly wasn't for lack of me trying. She just really had no interest. Instead, she's always wanted to play school. I assume that's because she's grown up with me "playing" school. She when she described her ideal playroom, it included a desk, printer, maps, dry erase board, and a place for her "kids" to sit.

This picture is a little blurry (I'm still trying to figure out my new phone), but it shows one of my most favorite possessions- this little round table. This was my grandmother's table that she had cut down and used in her first grade classroom. It makes my heart smile to see my daughter use it to play school.